Bus Services Serving Fore Street, Ipswich

We regret to inform our customers that from Sunday 20th March 2022 that bus services traveling towards Central Ipswich will no longer serve the southern end of Fore Street and therefore customers will no longer be able to alight their bus outside Fore Street Post Office. 

This will effect services 1,2,3,3E & 4 which will divert via Salthouse Street, Slade Street and Star Lane before turning back into the northern end of Fore Street.

The map above shows the revised routes our buses will take. 

Our regular customers will be aware that with the exception of vehicles using the road for local access that this part of Fore Street is a bus only road.

However the number of private cars & vans now using this stretch of Fore Street as an illegal shortcut and blocking the bus gate now means that it is quicker for our buses to divert away from this junction. 

There has also been an increase in illegal and dangerous parking outside the Post Office which means that our buses cannot pass through safely and over the past twelve months there have been several incidents involving our vehicles.

We would like to assure our customers that we have not taken this decision lightly and since early 2020 through the Ipswich Bus Quality Partnership we have urged Suffolk County Council to install ANPR cameras, and follow the approach taken by councils in our neighbouring towns and cities such as Colchester, Cambridge & Norwich. 

We would like to apologise to our customers for any inconvenience caused.

For further information please contact our customer service team by emailing info@ipswichbuses.co.uk calling 01473 344800 or popping into our travel shop in Tower Ramparts Bus Station